I am trying to fetch record based on the id present in an array but unfortunately the query fails.I have a record as follows My Schema,
var EmployeehierarchySchema = new Schema({
created_by: {
type: Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'Employee'
parents: {
type: Array,
default: ''
childrens: {
type: Array,
default: ''
"parents" : [
and i want fetch this record based on id and i wrote the following code
var item = {'parents':req.id};
Employeehierarchy.find(item).exec(function (err, employeehierarchy) {});
But i am getting empty eve i have the records.Can anyone suggest help.Yhanks.
Try this:
Employeehierarchy.find({'parents':{$in:[req.id]}).exec(function (err, employeehierarchy) {});