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text printed twice on the same page

I have an issue with my generated pdf, the generated pdf file has 4 pages and I use an existing pdf with two pages. I have to write some text using pyPD2 and reportlab.

When I usegetPage() method I thought to make a page copy before merging, but for some reasons it uses the same page and I got my text printed several times.

How can I avoid that?

My code:

packet = io.BytesIO()
can = canvas.Canvas(packet)
can.drawString(0,0, "Print on page 1")
can.drawString(200,200, "Print on page 2")
can.drawString(0,0, "Print on page 3")
can.drawString(200,200, "Print on page 4")

new_pdf = PdfFileReader(packet)

path_of_two_page_pdf = 'overview.pdf'
existing_pdf = PdfFileReader(file(path_of_two_page_pdf, "rb"))

output = PdfFileWriter()
for pi in range(4):
    page = existing_pdf.getPage(pi % 2)

outputStream = file("NEW_PDF.pdf", "wb")


  • The problem is that getPage() actually return the pointer to the page instead of a completely new page. So when mergePage() is applied it merge it into the existing pdf.

    The easiest workaround is to first create a blank page and use that to merge the other pages onto, that will look like this:

    for pi in range(2*2):
        # By doing this we will always create a blank page with the same size as the last page of the existing_pdf
        new_page = PageObject.createBlankPage(pdf=existing_pdf)
        # Merge the pages onto the blank page
        new_page.mergePage(existing_pdf.getPage(pi % 2))
        # Add the new page to the output

    One note, instead of creating a completely separate blank page using createBlankPage you could also use output.addBlankPage but this requires setting the page size manually which might not be ideal. Therefor the pdf keyword of createBlankPage is used, this sets the page size to the last page of the supplied pdf.