In my selenium TestNG class, there are some methods, like method1, method2 etc. I have added fail and success conditions to each method.
public class TestNGClass {
public void method1(String value) throws Exception {
org.testng.Assert.assertTrue(condition, message);
//This is another method
public void method2(String value) throws Exception {
But after the TestNG class execution, in the Test-Output folder "Index.html" will be created, which shows only the failed methods. How to display the passed methods also (custom report) .?
Thank you
Convert your test methods using @Test annotation. Modified Code Snippet:
public class TestNGClass {
public void method1(){
Assert.assertTrue(condition, "Your Message goes here");
//This is another method
public void method2(){"Your Message goes here");
Now, you will have your testcases reported.