I use Linqer to convert SQL to LinQ but result are not the same My SQL query :
Select ChuyenNganh.ChuyenNganhID,ChuyenNganh.TenChuyenNganh,SoLuong= count(BaiBao.ChuyenNganhID )
from BaiBao right join ChuyenNganh on ChuyenNganh.ChuyenNganhID = BaiBao.ChuyenNganhID
group by ChuyenNganh.ChuyenNganhID, ChuyenNganh.TenChuyenNganh
Convert to Linq
var queryChuyenNganh = from t in myPhanLoaiTaiLieuDataContext.ChuyenNganhs
join t0 in myPhanLoaiTaiLieuDataContext.BaiBaos on new { ChuyenNganhID = t.ChuyenNganhID } equals new { ChuyenNganhID = Convert.ToInt32(t0.ChuyenNganhID) } into t0_join
from t0 in t0_join.DefaultIfEmpty()
group t by new
} into g
select new
ChuyenNganhID = (System.Int32)g.Key.ChuyenNganhID,
SoLuong =(Int32)g.Count()
Who can fix it for me?
Most probably the SQL query can be rewritten in LINQ without group by
but simple LINQ GroupJoin
But the main issue with your conversion is that SQL COUNT(expr)
does not count NULL
values, and there is no direct LINQ equivalent, so either conditional Count
or Sum
is needed (I personally prefer the later because usually it translates to better SQL).
So, the minimum change needed in you query is
group t by new
to group t0 by new
and SoLuong =(Int32)g.Count()
to SoLuong = g.Sum(t0 => t0 != null ? 1 : 0)
P.S. As mentioned at the beginning, I would give a try to the following LINQ query:
var queryChuyenNganh =
from t in myPhanLoaiTaiLieuDataContext.ChuyenNganhs
join bb in myPhanLoaiTaiLieuDataContext.BaiBaos
on t.ChuyenNganhID equals bb.ChuyenNganhID into t_BaiBaos
select new
SoLuong = t_BaiBaos.Count()