There is a site on wordpress with theme which is built in the module designer WPBakery Visual Composer. There is a problem with it - some elements have conflict with new version of wordpress, because it is quite outdated. Question: how to undock a built-in designer of the subject and set the Visual Composer plugin. Here is a code for the call in the theme's functions.php designer:
if (!class_exists('WPBakeryVisualComposerAbstract')) {
$dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/wpbakery/';
$composer_settings = Array(
'APP_ROOT' => $dir . '/js_composer',
'WP_ROOT' => dirname( dirname( dirname( dirname($dir ) ) ) ). '/',
'APP_DIR' => basename( $dir ) . '/js_composer/',
'CONFIG' => $dir . '/js_composer/config/',
'ASSETS_DIR' => 'assets/',
'COMPOSER' => $dir . '/js_composer/composer/',
'COMPOSER_LIB' => $dir . '/js_composer/composer/lib/',
'SHORTCODES_LIB' => $dir . '/js_composer/composer/lib/shortcodes/',
'USER_DIR_NAME' => 'extendvc/vc_templates', /* Path relative to your current theme, where VC should look for new shortcode templates */
//for which content types Visual Composer should be enabled by default
'default_post_types' => Array('page','post','portfolio_page')
require_once locate_template('/wpbakery/js_composer/js_composer.php');
// Initialising Shortcodes
if (class_exists('WPBakeryVisualComposerAbstract')) {
require_once locate_template('/extendvc/extend-vc.php');
If I comment these lines and try to install the plugin of Visual Composer, I get the following error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare wpb_getImageBySize() (previously declared in /home/likemedi/public_html/wp-content/themes/subway/wpbakery/js_composer/composer/lib/helpers.php:15) in /home/likemedi/public_html/wp-content/plugins/js_composer/include/helpers/helpers.php on line 114
Try renaming the plugin under wp-content > themes > plugins >
Just rename the plugin , and reload the admin page.