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Nativescript Angular 2 disable background tap events

I have a login button which when clicked will log the user in by making http calls to the server.

While this is happening I want the activity indicator to show up and disable the button and every other thing on the page and just show the activity indicator over it.

Note that I will place time outs and other measures to make sure that the Activity indicator doesn't end up trapping the user.

Also, I do not want the content in the background to disappear. I just want the activity indicator to overlap it.

Here is my ui code which was taken for this SO answer

  //page content goes here
    <StackLayout class="dimmer" visibility="{{showLoading ? 'visible' : 'collapsed'}}"></StackLayout>
    <GridLayout rows="*" visibility="{{showLoading ? 'visible' : 'collapsed'}}">
       <ActivityIndicator busy="true" width="50" height="50"  color="#0c60ee"></ActivityIndicator>


  • To disable the events to the components you could use isUserInteractionEnabled property, which will disable the whole interaction to the component and then you could show the ActivityIndicator. I am providing sample code below.


    <GridLayout rows="*">
        <StackLayout row="0" class="p-20">
            <Label text="Tap the button" class="h1 text-center"></Label>
            <Button text="TAP" (tap)="onTap()" class="btn btn-primary btn-active" [isUserInteractionEnabled]="buttoninteraction" ></Button>
            <Label [text]="message" class="h2 text-center" textWrap="true"></Label>
        <ActivityIndicator row="0" [busy]="acstate" row="1" class="activity-indicator"></ActivityIndicator>


    import { Component } from "@angular/core";
        selector: "my-app",
        templateUrl: "app.component.html",
    export class AppComponent {
        public counter: number = 16;
        public buttoninteraction = true;
        public acstate = false;
        public get message(): string {
            if (this.counter > 0) {
                return this.counter + " taps left";
            } else {
                return "Hoorraaay! \nYou are ready to start building!";
        public onTap() {

    Hope this helps.