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Entity Framework Querying Many to Many using Linq

I need to create the lambda query that allows me to get the security objects that the user (Account) is authorized to access in addition to the list of permissions assigned to him for each security object

The method is List<AuthObject> GetUserAccessList (int accountId)

The AuthObject:

 public class AuthObject
    public string Obj { get; set; } // name of the security object
    public List<String> Permissions { get; set; } //name of the permissions 

enter image description here


  • Query your data using 2 queries and then assemble them in memory.

    var securityObjects = await context.SecurityObjects.Where(so => so.SecurityPermissions.Any(sp => sp.SecurityRoles.Any(sr => sr.Accounts.Any(a => a.ID == accountId)))).ToListAsync().COnfigureAwait(false);
    var securityPermissionsByObjectId = (await context.SexurityPermissions.Where(sp =>sp.SecurityRoles.Any(sr => sr.Accounts.Any(a => a.ID == accountId))).ToListAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)).GroupBy(sp => sp.SecurityObjectID).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Select(sp => sp.Name).ToList());
    var result = securityObjects.Select(so => new AuthObject
        Obj = so.Name,
        Permissions = securityPermissionsByObjectId[so.ID]
    return result;