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Laravel 5.3 validation issue

Recently I've upgraded Laravel 5.3 from Laravel 5.2 and after that I am finding several validation issues. One of the strange issue is with rule required_without i.e. working fine with laravel 5.2.

The route is:


Inside controller, I've defined the method insertMessage() as:

public function insertMessage(Request $request){
    $error = false; 
    $result = array();
    $responsecode = 200;
    $input = $request->all(); 

    $validator = Validator::make(
                        "patient_id" => $input["patient_id"],
                        "chat_id" => !empty($input["chat_id"]) ? $input["chat_id"] : null, 
                        "sender_id"=> $input["sender_id"], 
                        "image" => $request->hasFile('file') ? $request->file('file') : null,
                        "content" => !empty($input["content"]) ? $input["content"] : null
                        "patient_id" => "required|exists:users,id,user_type,patient", 
                        "chat_id" => "sometimes|nullable|exists:chats,id", 
                        "image" => "required_without:content|image",
                        "content" => "required_without:image"

    if ($validator->passes()){
        try {
            //Some operations

        catch(\Exception $e){
            //Some operations
    //Finally return the response
    return response()->json(array(
        'error' => $error,
        'input_data' => $result),

And the request I am making using post-man is as:

enter image description here

The request headers are Authorization and a custom header, no content-type header is there. And the response I am getting is:

  "error": true,
  "input_data": {
    "error_message": "The image must be an image. "

Why it requires an image if content field is present there in the request data?

Using statement dd($input); I can get the post data as:

array:4 [
  "patient_id" => "3"
  "content" => "Hello"
  "sender_id" => "1"
  "sender_name" => "System Admin"


  • You may use the validation rules as,

    "image" => "nullable|required_without:content|image",
    "content" => "nullable|required_without:image"

    Since laravel 5.3 has nullable rule, you may set it where your input value can be a null. Looking into your code, you're setting image and content as null if not present in the request.

    "image" => $request->hasFile('file') ? $request->file('file') : null,
    "content" => !empty($input["content"]) ? $input["content"] : null

    So finally your validator should look like,

    $validator = Validator::make(
            "patient_id" => $input["patient_id"],
            "chat_id" => !empty($input["chat_id"]) ? $input["chat_id"] : null, 
            "sender_id"=> $input["sender_id"], 
            "image" => $request->hasFile('file') ? $request->file('file') : null,
            "content" => !empty($input["content"]) ? $input["content"] : null
            "patient_id" => "required|exists:users,id,user_type,patient", 
            "chat_id" => "sometimes|nullable|exists:chats,id", 
            "image" => "nullable|required_without:content|image",
            "content" => "nullable|required_without:image"

    Hope this helps!!