When I do someting like
sqlite.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM foo")
result = sqlite.cursor.fetchone()
I think have to remember the order the columns appear to be able to fetch them out, eg
result[0] is id
result[1] is first_name
is there a way to return a dictionary? so I can instead just use result['id'] or similar?
The problem with the numbered columns is, if you write your code then insert a column you might have to change the code eg result[1] for first_name might now be a date_joined so would have to update all the code...
David Beazley has a nice example of this in his Python Essential Reference.
I don't have the book at hand, but I think his example is something like this:
def dict_gen(curs):
''' From Python Essential Reference by David Beazley
import itertools
field_names = [d[0].lower() for d in curs.description]
while True:
rows = curs.fetchmany()
if not rows: return
for row in rows:
yield dict(itertools.izip(field_names, row))
Sample usage:
>>> import sqlite3
>>> conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
>>> c = conn.cursor()
>>> c.execute('create table test (col1,col2)')
<sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x011A96A0>
>>> c.execute("insert into test values (1,'foo')")
<sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x011A96A0>
>>> c.execute("insert into test values (2,'bar')")
<sqlite3.Cursor object at 0x011A96A0>
# `dict_gen` function code here
>>> [r for r in dict_gen(c.execute('select * from test'))]
[{'col2': u'foo', 'col1': 1}, {'col2': u'bar', 'col1': 2}]