I have a simple document storage database that allows people to upload various types of documents and then do a full-text search on them.
It works just fine for all documents except office 2007 documents. My retrevial code uses content type "application/octet-stream", the server has the MIMETypes registered as does my computer. I can open the file just fine on my system, but uploading it and then redownloading it gives an error:
"This error can be caused by some of the following conditions:
If the network is experiencing problems, it is usually a temporary condition and if you wait a short period of time and try again, you can usually save the file. If the problem persists, consult your network administrator"
It would be tough for others to have debugged this, but when I created a byteStream, I used length, instead of length - 1. For some reason in almost all documents this is no problem, but office 2007 threw a fit.