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IKVM C# to Java Interop with Callback using IKVM

I've started using IKVM to translate Java libs into .NET CIL. I can successfully write a C# program that pulls in (inproc) a translated Java assembly as a reference and make calls to the translated Java code.

My question is, is anyone familiar w/ how to make calls (callbacks) from Java to C# using IKVM? I've been looking for a good tutorial or explanation but haven't seen one yet.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks,



  • Ladies and Gentlemen, I figured out my own question. Code first followed by steps.

    Java Class

    public class TestClass {
    private cli.CSharpLibrary.Library m_lib = null;
    public void AddDelegate( cli.CSharpLibrary.Library lib )
        m_lib = lib;
    public void FireDelegate()
        if( m_lib != null )
    public void PrintInt()

    C# Class

    using ikvm.runtime;
    using CSharpLibrary;
    namespace CSharp
      class Program
    public static void DelegateTarget()
      Console.WriteLine("DelegateTarget Executed!");
    static void Main(string[] args)
      Library lib = new Library();
      lib.m_runnableDelegate = new Delegates.RunnableDelegate(DelegateTarget);
      TestClass tc = new TestClass();

    1) Write your Java app

    2) Convert your *.class files into a jar file (jar -cf myjar.jar *.class)

    3) Convert the jar file into a .NET assembly (ikvmc -reference:csharpassembly.dll myjar.jar)

    Should work at this point. You can run your C# program, have it call the converted Java program and vice versa. Watch out for the "-reference" flag on the ikvmc call. This tells IKVM when it's converting the Java code that csharpassembly.dll has some class definitions that it needs to watch out for.