I am creating a gem to implement the Calendly API and I need to make a request like
curl --header "X-TOKEN: <your_token>"
--data "url=https://blah.foo/bar&events[]=invitee.created"
to create a webhook.
As you may see, events
is passed as an array of strings and this is indicated by the []
I am trying to use RestClient::Request#execute
to send this request, but I don't know how to pass this array of strings in this case.
I tried
RestClient::Request.execute(method: :post,
url: @uri,
params: { url: url,
events: "invitee.#{type}"
headers: { "X-TOKEN": "#{@api_key}" })
but then I am not sending an array as the API expects.
I also tried
RestClient::Request.execute(method: :post,
url: @uri,
params: { url: url,
'events[]': "invitee.#{type}" },
headers: { "X-TOKEN": "#{@api_key}" })
but it didn't work either. I got a bad request error and nothing else.
How should I build my request in this case?
Posted for visibility (previously answered in comment)
will appropriately serialize a native ruby Array
for you meaning
events: ["invitee.#{type}"]
will be serialized into events[]=invitee.created
where type == 'created'
. This will work for an Array
with multiple values too.
events: ["more","than","one"]
will be converted to events[]=more&events[]=than&events[]=one
Finally it also handles an other data types inside an Array
such as another Hash
events: [{first_name: 'Zaphod', last_name: 'Beeblebrox'}]
will become events[][first_name]=Zaphod&events[][last_name]=Beeblebrox