Using the python/thrift interface I am trying to insert a SuperColumn just like the Comments example in WTF is a Supercolumn..
I've gotten as far as to create the SuperColumn and figured out that I should use batch_mutate to insert it. But I don't know how to create the Mutation and set the key and SuperColumn type
keyspace = "Keyspace1"
col1 = Column(name = "commenter", value = "J Doe", timestamp = time.time())
col2 = Column(name = "email", value = "[email protected]", timestamp = time.time())
sc = SuperColumn(name = str(uuid.uuidl()), [col1, col2])
# i am guessing the missing code goes here
mutation = Mutation(column_or_supercolumn = sc?)
client.batch_mutate(keyspace, mutation, ConsistencyLevel.ZERO)
I would use pycassa or something to make life easier, but something like:
keyspace = "Keyspace1"
tableName = "Super1"
key = "jdoe"
col1 = Column(name = "commenter", value = "J Doe", timestamp = time.time())
col2 = Column(name = "email", value = "[email protected]", timestamp = time.time())
newData = [Mutation(ColumnOrSuperColumn(None,
[col1, col2])))]
dataMap = {key : {tableName : newData}}