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list of gtk2hs widgets

how do I create a List (or whatever. Not a Tuple though) that accepts different instances of some typeclass? Specifically, I want to do something like the following:

[labelNew (Just "foo"), buttonNewWithLabel "bar"]

I don’t care for the syntax-sugar, I just want to pass a list of widgets to a function that will pass them to another function which accepts any widgets.

Right now, the purpose is only to get rid of the line-noise, like that

boxPackStart box content1 PackNatural 0
boxPackStart box content2 PackNatural 0
boxPackStart box content100 PackNatural 0

should be eg

box <- col PackNatural [content1, content2, ..., content100]

I found some pages mentioning some dynamic lists but stopped reading when it said "not typesafe"


  • For widgets specifically, you can use

    toWidget :: WidgetClass o => o -> Widget

    to safely upcast labels and buttons to widgets, as in:

        label <- labelNew (Just "foo")
        button <- buttonNewWithLabel "bar"
        col PackNatural [toWidget label, toWidget button]

    Other gtk2hs classes have similar casting functions; generally in that package collection, to* is a safe upcast and castTo* is an unsafe downcast.