Any ideas on how to set the columns as displayed rows, and hence displaying the rows as columns in pandas?
Currently printing a dataframe outputs something like this:
K T best_testing_rmse best_training_rmse chan_out_dim \
48 15 20000 1.24502685 1.24942538 15
217 15 20000 1.25521732 1.24871174 15
dropout_p g_hid g_in g_latent g_rij \
48 0.1 tanh elu linear sigmoid
217 0.1 tanh elu linear sigmoid
harvest_dir hid_dim input_dropout_p \
48 ./harvest_autorec_20170103_175735 50 0.1
217 ./harvest_autorec_20170103_175730 50 0.1
last_testing_rmse last_training_rmse lr max_epoch \
48 1.52006088 1.52138316 0.000002 1403
217 1.31366942 1.30483602 0.000002 1056
minibatch_size n_epochs n_hid_layers optimizer preprocessing_type \
48 1 20000 1 gpu_omp zscore
217 1 20000 1 gpu_omp zscore
regression_error_coef regression_type regularization_lambda \
48 0.5 item 0.001
217 0.5 item 0.001
regularization_latent_kl stochastic_prediction upd
48 0.5 False adam_symbolic
217 0.5 False adam_symbolic
This is particularly inconvenient. Much better view this table rotated of 90 degrees.
What you're asking for is to transpose
which can be called using .T
which rotates the df so that the columns becomes rows and vice versa:
In [31]:
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5,3), index=list('vwxyz'), columns=list('abc'))
a b c
v 0.218951 -0.716086 0.620063
w -0.672559 0.311909 0.326861
x 0.866325 -0.591517 -0.387572
y -0.749873 1.645110 -1.185780
z -0.796720 -1.974399 0.546645
In [32]:
v w x y z
a 0.218951 -0.672559 0.866325 -0.749873 -0.796720
b -0.716086 0.311909 -0.591517 1.645110 -1.974399
c 0.620063 0.326861 -0.387572 -1.185780 0.546645