I have a list of files say...
etc. etc. etc. for about 900 more files
What I am needing to do is create a folder based on the characters before the first underscore, but to not repeat it since there are multiple files.
So in the example above, I would only want two folders named T123 and T456.
Then I would need the script to place the appropriate files in the folder.
I had found some codes in this thread, but they don't exactly do what I'm looking for.
$Files = Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Info\AUGUST 2011\Checklists\' -Filter 'DET1__*'
$Files | ForEach-Object {
$FileFullName = $_.FullName
$TempFileName = "$($FileFullName).tmp"
$DestinationFileName = "$FileFullName\$($_.Name)"
Move-Item $FileFullName $TempFileName
New-Item -Path $FileFullName -ItemType Directory
Move-Item $TempFileName $DestinationFileName
Any help?
The easiest way here would be to group the files by the first part, which will then become the directory name. In typical PowerShell pipeline manner this is fairly succinct:
Get-ChildItem -File | # Get files
Group-Object { $_.Name -replace '_.*' } | # Group by part before first underscore
ForEach-Object {
# Create directory
$dir = New-Item -Type Directory -Name $_.Name
# Move files there
$_.Group | Move-Item -Destination $dir