I'm trying to implement a breadth-first search using OpenMPI (on C++ if it's relevant) and I got almost anything running, except for the very end. I don't know when/how to stop the execution.
I use a 2D array to keep track of all the edges in the graph as follows:
graph[start][finish] - there is an edge from vertex start to vertex finish
My current algorithm is:
I don't really know how to change the 5th step so that everything stops. I test on a small graph (so I can easily follow what's happening) and it stops pretty soon, meaning all non-root processes get stuck at step 3, because every minimum distance has been found and no process is sending an update.
I didn't include my code because the algorithm should be pretty easy to understand and my question is more related to the algorithm than to the code itself.
The solution I found is to add an intermediary step between 4 and 5 which sends an update from the process to the root.
After each iteration, the process p will send a message to the root telling it whether it updated the distance this iteration or not. When all processes "report" that they haven't updated the distance they will receive a message to stop (from the root).
So to change the pseudocode:
if (rank == 0) // root
distance = 0;
for each neighbor
send distance
vector<bool> status(no_processes - 1, true)
while (status contains one true value)
receive update from one process
update status
// status is full of false
send all STOP
distance = INT_MAX;
while (true)
receive message
stop execution
status = false;
if (recv_distance + 1 < distance)
status = true
distance = recv_distance + 1;
for each neighbor
send distance
send status to root