Given the following ruby:
$i = 0
$num = 3
while $i < $num do
puts "My loop just executed"
sleep 10
$i +=1
I would expect that every 10 seconds (plus execution time) I would get "My loop just executed" printed to my console until $i = 3
My loop just executed
# sleeps for 10 seconds
My loop just executed
# sleeps for 10 seconds
My loop just executed
# sleeps for 10 seconds
However what actually happens is the script runs, nothing is printed to console until $i = 3 and then i get 3 lines printed at once:
My loop just executed
My loop just executed
My loop just executed
I can't understand why it wont print after each loop as oppose to printing all at the end?
Why is this and how can I get it to work as I am expecting it to? Any help would be appreciated
The console output is buffered and nobody promised to IO#flush
it for you:
$i = 0
$num = 3
while $i < $num do
$stdout.puts "My loop just executed"
sleep 10
$i +=1