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Python generators and reduce

I am working on a Python3 tornado web server with asynchronous coroutines for GET requests, using the @gen.coroutine decorator. I want to use this function from a library:

def foo(x):
    yield do_something(x)

which is simple enough:

def get(self):
    x = self.some_parameter
    yield response(foo(x))

Now assume there are multiple functions foo1, foo2, etc. of the same type. I want to do something like ...foo3(foo2(foo1(x).result()).result())... and yield that instead of just response(foo(x)) in the get method.

I thought this would be easy with reduce and the result method. However, because of how tornado works, I cannot force the foos to return something with the result method. This means that yield reduce(...) gives an error: "DummyFuture does not support blocking for results". From other answers on SO and elsewhere, I know I will have to use IOLoop or something, which I didn't really understand, and... question is, how can I avoid evaluating all the foos and yield that unevaluated chunk from the get method?

Edit: This is not a duplicate of this question because I want to: 1. nest a lot of functions and 2. try not to evaluate immediately.


  • In Tornado, you must yield a Future inside a coroutine in order to get a result. Review Tornado's coroutine guide.

    You could write a reducer that is a coroutine. It runs each coroutine to get a Future, calls yield with the Future to get a result, then runs the next coroutine on that result:

    from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
    from tornado import gen
    def f(x):
        # Just to prove we're really a coroutine.
        yield gen.sleep(1)
        return x * 2
    def g(x):
        return x + 1
    def h():
        return 10
    def coreduce(*funcs):
        # Start by calling last function in list.
        result = yield funcs[-1]()
        # Call remaining functions.
        for func in reversed(funcs[:-1]):
            result = yield func(result)
        return result
    # Wrap in lambda to satisfy your requirement, to 
    # NOT evaluate immediately.
    latent_result = lambda: coreduce(f, g, h)
    final_result = IOLoop.current().run_sync(latent_result)