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How do I get a one-sided gradient effect for createJS beginLinearGradientStroke?

I'm working on a gradient stroke for a "loading circle" using createJS. However, I only need the gradient effect to be applied on one "joining point" of the two colors, and not apply it on the other joining point.

What I did was this, but it's only giving me a normal gradient effect:

    var rd = 64; 
    /*                              yellow  ,red*/
      .beginLinearGradientStroke( ["#F7CC00","#FE1D1E"]  ,[0,1]  ,0,rd*0.5  ,0,-rd );

Please refer to the image below:

enter image description here

Anyone knows how I can do this?

Here's my code in JSFiddle:

Thank you and Happy New Year ahead!


  • I have managed to create a workaround to achieve this! Since beginLinearGradientStroke() only creates a "normal" gradient, I figured out overlaying it with another gradient (with transparent as the second color) would work.

    What I did was create the first circle with two colors that appear as "solid" (by setting the ratios and x and y positions accordingly) and then overlaid it with another gradient circle - with one color the combination of the first two colors, and the other one transparent.

    Here's the JSFiddle showing the final outcome:

      var rd = 64;/*radius*/
      var circles = {};
      var ic = [
          /*0*/{ a:"#FEC331" ,b:"#FB1E24"     ,r1:0.5 ,r2:0.5 ,x0:0   ,y0:rd*0.3 ,x1:0  ,y1:-rd},
          /*1*/{ a:"#EA6F2B" ,b:"transparent" ,r1:0   ,r2:1   ,x0:-rd ,y0:0      ,x1:rd ,y1:0  }
      var circleX = [ 0.5 ,0.75  ];
      var circleY = [ 0.7 ,0.7   ];
      for(var i=0; i<2; i++){  
        circles[l][i] = new createjs.Shape();
          .beginLinearGradientStroke( [ ic[k].a ,ic[k].b ],  [ic[k].r1,  ic[k].r2],  ic[k].x0,ic[k].y0  ,ic[k].x1,ic[k].y1 );
          circles[l][i].rotation = -90;
        circles[l][i].x = ww*circleX[l];      
        circles[l][i].y = wh*circleY[l];
        var arcCommand = circles[l][i].graphics.arc(0, -20, rd, 600 * Math.PI, 0).command;
        if (run == 1) {
              endAngle: (360 * Math.PI / 180)
            }, time * 1000);
      }/*END for loop*/