I have a model , which I am saving at every 10 iterations . So , i am having following files in my saved directory .
checkpoint model-50.data-00000-of-00001 model-50.index model-50.meta
model-60.data-00000-of-00001 model-60.index model-60.meta
and so on up to 100 . I have to load only the model-50. Because I have got NaN values after 70 iterations. By deafault, when i am restoring the saver will look for the final checkpoint. So, how could I specifically load the model-50. please help, otherwise, i have to run the model gain from scratch, which is time consuming.
Since you are using tf.train.Saver
's function restore()
, you can make use of the last_checkpoints
functions to get a list of all available checkpoints. You will see both model-50
and model-60
in this list.
Pick the correct model, and pass it directly to restore()
like this,
saver.restore(sess, ckpt_path)