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Convert phong to mia material

I am trying to convert a phong material to mia material using this script i found

proc connectAndSet(string $original,string $target){
  $conn=connectionInfo -sfd ($BARK3);
  if ($conn!=""){
    connectAttr -force $conn $target;
  } else {
    connectAttr -force $original $target;
    disconnectAttr $original $target;

proc convertPhongToMia(string $original){
  $target=`mrCreateCustomNode -asShader "" mia_material`;

  $sg=`connectionInfo -dfs ($original+".outColor")`;
  if ($sg[0]!=""){
    $sgr=`match "[^.]*" ((string)$sg[0])`;
    connectAttr -force ($target+".outValue") ($sgr+".miMaterialShader");
    connectAttr -force ($target+".outValue") ($sgr+".miPhotonShader");
    connectAttr -force ($target+".outValue") ($sgr+".miShadowShader");
  delete  $original;
  rename $target $original;

for ($item in`ls -et phong`)

I am a total noob on mel scripting so i have no idea why its not working or how to fix it it is showing the folowing errors:

// Error:   $conn=connectionInfo -sfd ($BARK3); // 
// Error: Line 2.24: Invalid use of Maya object "connectionInfo". // 
// Error:   $conn=connectionInfo -sfd ($BARK3); // 
// Error: Line 2.36: "$BARK3" is an undeclared variable. // 
// Error:   if ($conn!=""){ // 
// Error: Line 3.13: "$conn" is an undeclared variable. // 
// Error:     connectAttr -force $conn $target; // 
// Error: Line 4.36: "$conn" is an undeclared variable. 

$BARK3 is the name of the material im trying to convert


  • // you need to define $BARK some where

    proc connectAndSet(string $original,string $target, $BARK){
      // when you call mel function you need to use ` 
      $conn=`connectionInfo -sfd ($BARK)`;
      if ($conn!=""){
        connectAttr -force $conn $target;
      } else {
        connectAttr -force $original $target;
        disconnectAttr $original $target;


    $target=`mrCreateCustomNode -asShader "" mia_material`;
    $BARK = "someNode";
    connectAndSet($original+".color",$target+".diffuse", $BARK);