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Qt Quick Controls 2 and Windows Phone 10

I've created a new Qt Quick Controls 2 project. Built it using Qt 5.7.0 for Universal Windows Platform armv7 kit. Ran on my Windows Phone (Lumia 650). All I see is a blank black screen. Am I doing something wrong? I've also tried Qt Widgets projects: works, but controls are not usable due to scale problems.

Application output:

winrtrunner --device 0 --start --stop --install --wait 0 C:/Users/user/Documents/build-untitled1-Qt_5_7_0_for_Universal_Windows_Platform_armv7-Release/release/untitled1.exe
qt.winrtrunner: Using the AppxPhone profile.
qt.winrtrunner: No mapping file exists. Only recognized files will be packaged.
qt.winrtrunner: App started with process ID 4788


  • It was a bug in Qt. Fixed in 5.7.1 version released recently.