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How to Disable "Re-start: Cold restart" Physical Button on Android Device

I've searched high and low and can't not locate the Key name of the "Restart: Cold restart" button on an Android Rugged A9 Phone to disable it.

photo of Android Rugged A9 phone with Cold restart button highlighted

I'd like to disable this button as it's accidentally pressed frequently.

The device is Android version 4.4.2 rooted, However, within System>usr>Keylayout>Generic.kl I can not locate the name of the Key. Through research, I know that when I find the Key, all I have to do is input a "#" in front of the Key to disable it.

Can anyone please help me identify this Key? Thank you in advance!


  • Probably you already solved this but if not look into the /system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl file. You have to look for the specific key and then comment the line. It should be one that has to do with RESTART or REBOOT. For example in the YT3-850F tablet there's a line commented out that states:

    #key 408 "KEY_RESTART"

    In your Generic.kl file you should find one that is not commented out. Commenting a line in the Generic.kl file makes the system ignore the pressing of that specific key.