I'm trying to form my request to Google's Cloud Natural Language API based on this code https://cloud.google.com/natural-language/reference/rest/v1/documents in Swift, but I can't quite get the syntax right?
import Foundation
import SwiftyJSON
class GoogleNaturalLanguageParser {
let session = URLSession.shared
var googleAPIKey = "XXX"
var googleURL: URL {
return URL(string: "https://language.googleapis.com/v1/documents:analyzeEntities?key=\(googleAPIKey)")!
//TODO: Add document
private func createRequest(with text: String, handler: @escaping (String) -> Void) {
// Create our request URL
var request = URLRequest(url: googleURL)
request.httpMethod = "POST"
request.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
request.addValue(Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier ?? "", forHTTPHeaderField: "X-Ios-Bundle-Identifier")
// Build our API request
let jsonRequest = [
"requests": [
["encodingType": "UTF8",
"document": [
"type": "PLAIN_TEXT",
"content": text
let jsonObject = JSON(jsonDictionary: jsonRequest)
//let jsonObject = JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonRequest, options: []) as? [String : Any]
// Serialize the JSON
guard let data = try? jsonObject.rawData() else {
request.httpBody = data
// Run the request on a background thread
DispatchQueue.global().async { self.runRequestOnBackgroundThread(request, handler: { (result) in
}) }
First of all, you're calling the vision API in your base URL. You should be calling the Natural Language API, not vision:
Then, it depends on what you are trying to do i.e. sentiment, entities, or syntax analysis. As there is no iOS client lib, you'll have to handroll the request yourself (as you've already identified). Hopefully, the official docs have enough to get you going:
Protocol here. For example:
"encodingType": "UTF8",
"document": {
"type": "PLAIN_TEXT",
"content": "Enjoy your vacation!"
Protocol here. For example:
"encodingType": "UTF8",
"document": {
"type": "PLAIN_TEXT",
"content": "President Obama is speaking at the White House."
Protocol here. For example:
"encodingType": "UTF8",
"document": {
"type": "PLAIN_TEXT",
"content": "Hello, world!"
Swift 3.0 equivalent would be something like this:
let jsonObject: [String:Any] = [
"document": [
"type": "PLAIN_TEXT",
"content": "Michelangelo Caravaggio, Italian painter, is known for the Calling of Saint Matthew."],
"encodingType": "UTF8"