i have a problem with correct execution of group_concat() function in MySQL. I have entities in my database which are subjects to actions. Certain actions require processing details, which are provided as an id of a processing. My processing details could be a child of some major processing and in db this is represented as
In my query I'm asking database for all entities which have been processed by all child processings with the same parent_id as the processing of my starting entity (I get the single entity with all the info beforehand).
In database, the where clause looks like this:
where p.processing_id in
(SELECT processing_id FROM processing_type_1 where parent_id in
(select parent_id from processing_type_1 where parent_id in (p.processing_id)))
union all (SELECT processing_id FROM processing_type_2 where parent_id =
(select parent_id from processing_type_2 where parent_id in (p.processing_id)))
This clause works as intended until I try to add a group_concat() in the select clause. Each action on entity has personnel assigned to it and I need to get all people assigned to certain actions.
The select clause looks like this:
group_concat(distinct (select z.full_name from user z join entity_action ea on z.id = ea.personnel_id where ea.entity_id = e.id and ea.action_type = 'some_action' order by z.full_name) separator ', ') as action_personnel
This said query is not working until I add
limit 1
at the end of the subquery in group_concat(). It wouldn't be a problem if there was only one person assigned to the action but unfortunately, this is not the case.
My question is - is there any way to make these two work?
My example data looks like that:
entity_action table
action_id|entity_id| action_name|personnel_id|processing_id
1| 1|'some action'| 1| 15
2| 1| 'other'| 1|
3| 1| 'another'| 2|
4| 1|'some action'| 3| 17
processing table
15| 5
17| 5
If I asked about all processings with parent_id of 5 my desired result in this case would be
1| 1,3
My full query is as follows:
SELECT e.entity_id,
group_concat(distinct (select z.full_name from user z join entity_action ea on z.id = ea.personnel_id where ea.entity_id = e.id and ea.action_type = 'some_action' order by z.full_name) separator ', ') as action_personnel
FROM enity e
inner join entity_action ea on ea.entity_id = e.entity_id
left outer join processing p on p.id = ea.entity_id
(1 IS null OR
p.processing_id in
(SELECT processing_id FROM processing_type_1 where parent_id in
(select parent_id from processing_type_1 where parent_id in (p.processing_id)))
union all (SELECT processing_id FROM processing_type_2 where parent_id =
(select parent_id from processing_type_2 where parent_id in (p.processing_id)))
group by e.entity_id;
Had more of a look at this now.
I think you basic query can eliminate some of the IN clauses like this (but this WILL NOT work)
SELECT e.entity_id,
GROUP_CONCAT((SELECT DISTINCT z.full_name FROM user z INNER JOIN entity_action ea ON z.id = ea.personnel_id WHERE ea.entity_id = e.id AND ea.action_type = 'some_action') ORDER BY full_name SEPARATOR ', ') AS action_personnel
FROM enity e
INNER JOIN entity_action ea ON ea.entity_id = e.entity_id
OR p.processing_id in
SELECT processing_id
FROM processing_type_1 pt1_a
INNER JOIN processing_type_1 pt1_b
ON pt1_a.parent_id = pt1_b.parent_id
INNER processing p on p.id = ea.entity_id
ON pt1_b.parent_id = p.processing_id
SELECT processing_id pt2_a
FROM processing_type_2
INNER JOIN processing_type_2 pt2_b
ON pt2_a.parent_id = pt2_b.parent_id
INNER processing p on p.id = ea.entity_id
ON pt2_b.parent_id = p.processing_id
GROUP BY e.entity_id;
Looking at this you have a sub query in the SELECT within a GROUP_CONCAT. Never seen anyone try this before, and the manual doesn't mention anything about this in a GROUP CONCAT. However when I play with such syntax it appears that MySQL is confused as it has a sub query returning multiple rows within the SELECT, and this causes an error. This is why it works when you add a LIMIT 1 to the sub query, as it forces it to return a single row.
My cleaned up query suffers the same.
It may be possible to clean this up to just do a join on user and entity action in the main query, but not certain with your data.
What you can do is join against a sub query to get all the full names grouped together for each entity_id:-
SELECT e.entity_id,
FROM enity e
INNER JOIN entity_action ea ON ea.entity_id = e.entity_id
SELECT ea.entity_id,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT z.full_name ORDER BY full_name SEPARATOR ', ') AS action_personnel
FROM user z
INNER JOIN entity_action ea
ON z.id = ea.personnel_id
WHERE ea.entity_id = e.id
AND ea.action_type = 'some_action'
GROUP BY ea.entity_id
) sub1
ON sub1.entity_id = e.id
OR p.processing_id in
SELECT processing_id
FROM processing_type_1 pt1_a
INNER JOIN processing_type_1 pt1_b
ON pt1_a.parent_id = pt1_b.parent_id
INNER processing p on p.id = ea.entity_id
ON pt1_b.parent_id = p.processing_id
SELECT processing_id pt2_a
FROM processing_type_2
INNER JOIN processing_type_2 pt2_b
ON pt2_a.parent_id = pt2_b.parent_id
INNER processing p on p.id = ea.entity_id
ON pt2_b.parent_id = p.processing_id
GROUP BY e.entity_id;