I'm trying to create normal distribution out of evenly distributed values in Fortran with the rejection method. It actually works more or less well, but I don't get exactly the result that I want.
I generate the normal distribution with this segment of code
function generator result(c)
implicit none
integer, dimension(2) :: clock
double precision :: c,d
call System_clock(count=clock(1))
call random_seed(put=clock)
!initialize matrix with random values
call random_number(c)
end function
subroutine Rejection(aa,bb,NumOfPoints)
implicit none
double precision :: xx, yy, cc
integer :: ii, jj, kk
integer, intent(in) :: NumOfPoints
double precision, intent(in) :: aa, bb
do ii=1, NumOfPoints
call random_number(xx)
call random_number(yy)
do while(cc*yy>1/sqrt(pi)*exp(-xx**2))
call random_number(xx)
call random_number(yy)
end do
end do
end subroutine
Since I am using as function 1/pi *exp(-x^2), I thought that the normal distribution that I obtain should also give a distribution with the prefactor 1/pi^(1/2), but it does not. If I create a histogram and fit this histogram with a normal distribution, I obtain as prefactor approximately 0.11.
How is this possible? What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: This is how I create the histogram
implicit none
double precision :: aa, bb
integer :: NumOfPoints, ii, kk, NumOfBoxes, counter, CounterTotal,counterTotal2
logical :: exists
character(len=15) :: frmat
double precision :: Intermediate
%read NumOfPoints (Total amount of random numbers), NumOfBoxes
open(unit=39, action='read', status='old', name='samples.txt')
read(39,*) NumOfPoints, aa, bb, NumOfBoxes
% number of Counts will be stored temporarily in 'counter'
open(unit=39, action='write', status='replace', name='distRejection.txt')
Call Rejection(aa,bb,NumOfPoints)
do ii=1, NumOfBoxes
%calculate the middle of the bin
%go through all the random numbers and check if they are within
% one of the bins. If they are in one bin -->increase Counter
% by one
do kk=1, size(rejectionArray,1)
if(abs(RejectionArray(kk)-intermediate).le.((bb-aa)/NumOfBoxes/2)) then
end if
end do
%save Points + relative number of Counts in file
write(39,100)intermediate,dble( counter)/dble(NumOfPoints)
100 format (f10.3,T20,f10.3,/)
end do
This is what I obtain as histogram:
The prefactor now is 0.056 what is 1/sqrt(pi)*1/10. This is 1/10 times my desired prefactor. The Problem is that this prefactor does not get any better if I enlarge the Region over which I integrate the function. This means that if create with this Code a Distribution from -5000 to + 5000 then I still obtain the same prefactor even though the integral from -5000 to 5000 of this function leads to 0.2 with the Distribution that I used. (I took the randomly distributed values and put them into matlab and calculated the numerical integral from -5000 to 5000 with those values and obtained 0.2. This means that here the prefactor of the integral should be 1/pi*1/5. Besieds that, I am puzzled by the fact that the Integral from -5000 to +50000 of a gaussian is only 0.2. According to mathematica this integral is approximately 1. So something has got to be wrong)
I just used your routine to generate 1000 points between -2 and 2 and obtained a gaussian distribution.
How do you generate your histogram? The un-normalized histogram can be plotted with the function N exp(-x**2)/sqrt(pi) * dx
where N is the number of points and dx is the binning interval.