I have an API with some controllers for their respective entities. They have all the same structure, but in one of them I have this error when I try to delete a value.
No route found for "DELETE /api/categories/4": Method Not Allowed (Allow: GET, HEAD, PUT)
But I have the delete action created! And in other controllers, with the same code, it works fine.
The delete action:
* @return array
* @Rest\Delete("/categories/{id}")
* @Rest\View(statusCode=204)
* @Method({"DELETE"})
public function deleteCategoryAction($id)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$category = $em->getRepository('CASEventBundle:Category')->find($id);
return new View("deleted successfully", Response::HTTP_OK);
The routing file:
type: rest
resource: CAS\APIRestBundle\Controller\CategoryController
I have solved it. It was a class name that it was repeated in other file.