I know mixing OpenGL and DirectX is not recommended but I'm trying to build a bridge between two different applications that use separate graphics API:s and I'm hoping there is a technique for sharing data, specifically textures.
I have a texture that is created in Direct3D like this:
d3_device-> CreateTexture(width, height,
&texture, NULL);
Is there any way I can use this texture from OpenGL without taking a roundtrip through system memory?
YES. As previously posted (see below) there should exists at least one solution. I found two possible solutions:
On nvidia cards a new extension was integrated in the 256 dirvers. see http://developer.download.nvidia.com/opengl/specs/WGL_NV_DX_interop.txt
DXGI is the driving force to composite all windows in Vista and Windows 7. see msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee913554.aspx
I have not yet made experience with either solution, but I hope I will find some time to test one of them. But for me the first one seems to be the easier one.
[I think it should be possible. In recent windows version (Vista and 7) one can see a preview of any window content in the taskbar (whether its GDI, Direct3D, or OpenGL). To my knowledge OpenGL preview was not supported in earlier windows versions. So at least in the newer version there should be a possibility to couple or share render contexts even between different processes... This is also true for other modern platforms which share render contexts system wide to make different rendering effects.]