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What is diffrence between getstoreconfig and getstoreconfigflag?

In magento 1.9 What is diffrence between getstoreconfig() and getstoreconfigflag() methods?


  • The methods look like this:

        public static function getStoreConfig($path, $store = null)
            return self::app()->getStore($store)->getConfig($path);
        public static function getStoreConfigFlag($path, $store = null)
            $flag = strtolower(self::getStoreConfig($path, $store));
            if (!empty($flag) && 'false' !== $flag) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;

    The only difference is that getStoreConfig() will return the exact value while getStoreConfigFlag() returns boolean true or false.

    Both methods send us to Mage_Core_Model_Store::getConfig().