I have an IBAction that needs to read from a variable. However, when placing the variable outside of the viewDidLoad
I receive the error
Cannot use instance member 'animal' within property initializer; property initializers run before 'self' is available
My code is as follows. When I move the variable back inside the viewDidLoad
the error states that animalName is undeclared
var animalName = (String(format: "%03d", animal.speciesId!))
@IBAction func megaKeyIBO(_ sender: Any) {
animalName = (String(format: "%03d", animal.speciesId!)) + "-merg"
override func viewDidLoad() {
//variable was originally here before moving to top
var animalName = (String(format: "%03d", animal.speciesId!))
This happens because you're trying to initialize your animalName before your property animal.speciesId! has been initialized. A simply way to solve would be this:
var animalName: String!
@IBAction func megaKeyIBO(_ sender: Any) {
animalName = (String(format: "%03d", animal.speciesId!)) + "-merg"
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Initialize on viewDidLoad
animalName = (String(format: "%03d", animal.speciesId!))