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AzCopy uploading local files to Azure Storage as files, not Blobs

I'm attempting to upload 550K files from my local hard drive to Azure Blob Storage using the following command (AzCopy 5.1.1) -

AzCopy /Source:d:\processed /Dest: /DestKey:SomethingSomething== /S

It starts churning right away.

But it's actually creating a new Azure File Storage folder called fec-data/reports rather than creating new blobs in the Azure Blob folder fec-data/reports I've already created.

What am I missing?

Also, is there anyway to keep the date created (or similar) values of the old files?



  • But it's actually creating a new Azure File Storage folder called fec-data/reports rather than creating new blobs in the Azure Blob folder fec-data/reports I've already created.

    What am I missing?

    The reason you're seeing this behavior is because you're uploading to File storage instead of Blob storage. To upload the files to Blob storage, you need to specify blob service endpoint ( So your command would be:

    AzCopy /Source:d:\processed /Dest: /DestKey:SomethingSomething== /S

    Also, is there anyway to keep the date created (or similar) values of the old files?

    Assuming you want to keep the date created of the blob same as that of the desktop file, then it is not possible. Blob's Last Modified Date/Time is a system property that gets assigned when a blob is created and is updated every time that blob is changed. You could however make use of blob's metadata and store file's creation date/time there.