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Why do I see an exclamation mark still?

This morning I recreated from scratch my repositories for my solutions and did an initial commit for each to my Bitbucket account.

But I still get a exclamation mark showing:



When I right-click in the repository and choose Check for modifications nothing shows up.


On closer inspection I have found that these folders are the ones that have exclamation marks on the files:

D:\My Programs\2017\MeetSchedAssist\Meeting Schedule Assistant\x64\Release\Meeting .56FC3877.tlog
D:\My Programs\2017\MeetSchedAssist\Meeting Schedule Assistant\x64\Debug\Meeting .56FC3877.tlog

I start with that project. This is my gitignore file:

/Volunteer MWB Data/

## Build Folders (you can keep bin if you'd like, to store dlls and pdbs)
# [Bb]in/

# mstest test results

## Ignore Visual Studio temporary files, build results, and
## files generated by popular Visual Studio add-ons.

# User-specific files

# Build results

# Visual C++ cache files

# Visual Studio profiler

The second project shows the issue here:

D:\My Programs\2017\DatabaseUtility\bin\x86\Debug\DatabaseUtility.exe.config

The third project shows the issue here:

D:\My Programs\2017\GoogleAuthandSync\GoogleAuthandSync\bin\Debug

There are various files in the above folder - xml | dll | config.

Each repository has it's own gitignore file.


  • The status for files/folders are cached by default. This cache can sometimes be a bit behind (and is currently under optimization in development).


    1. Open the commit dialog, this normally causes the cache to be invalidated.
    2. Create and then delete a file, this causes the cache to be invalidated.
    3. Deactivate the cache (not recommended) in TortoiseGit settings, icon overlay and choose "Shell exteneded" or "Shell cache" there (cf.

    Update: This especially is related to ignored files where the ignore list is also cached and often only reloaded when the cache is invalidated.