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Visual studio is hanging when add a new dataset to RDLC report

I create a specific report.rdlc then i want to add new datatable to my report .

But after changing the data set ,trying to add new dataset to my report .

The visual studio is crashing every time and restart without adding the new dataset !

enter image description here

I search about this bug and According to Microsoft ,it says :

This is one of the oldest bugs in visual studio and it can easily crash "all versions" of visual studio (which is VS.nET 2015 update 1 right now). it happens when you move your project to another directory and report viewer component tries to open dataset schema from previous location. in order to fix this open rdlc file with a text editor. look for a property named "SchemaPath"and update the path of your dataset file there .

I did this suggestion ,then clean the project and rebuild it but the same problem ! How to fix this problem ?

        <rd:TableAdapterFillMethod />
        <rd:TableAdapterGetDataMethod />
        <rd:TableAdapterName />


  • There's no fixing to this bug in V.S until now, Hope Microsoft to fix this continuous problem .

    The Workaround :

    I Add a new fresh project to my solution ,then drag and drop my RDLC to my new project, then add a new data set ,finish my report and drag it again to its original project , and every thing goes okay .