I have to use Mongodb with php, and tried to get data from mongocollection using php. the follwing mongoquery with php return record successfully. but i want to set limit for following query.
PHP Code:
$query = array("\$and"=>array(array('fld'=> array("\$in"=> array('4', '14', '20'))), array('stat'=>array("\$eq"=>"A"))));
$cursor = $this->collection->find($query);
i have also tried follwing way
$query = array("\$and"=>array(array('fld'=> array("\$in"=> array('4', '14', '20'))), array('stat'=>array("\$eq"=>"A")))).limit(2);
But I got Fatal Error
Call to undefined function limit()
How to use limit()
in above query?
In PHP, limit()
is a method of MongoCursor
class, and not of an array. You need to get a cursor first, and then call its limit()
You can also add options array to your find()
call with limit
$collection->find($query, ['limit' => 2]);