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Android app not synchronized with Arduino Serial communication

I have a simple sonar arduino project so that it prints the distance every second. I have implemented an android app using UsbSerial to communicate with my arduino. So far so good, I am able to receive data and the data I receive is correct, but the problem is that the values are sometimes not properly sent. Here is the sample output I receive:

data: 7
data: 1    
data: 71

and here is the code that generates output:

private UsbSerialInterface.UsbReadCallback mCallback = new UsbSerialInterface.UsbReadCallback() {

        public void onReceivedData(byte[] arg0)
            try {
                String data = new String(arg0, "UTF-8");
                System.out.println("data: " + data);
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

So in my opinion there is 2 problems here:

  • Lines 1 & 2 must be just one line with the value of 71
  • Line 3 should not exists as my application is listening onReceivedData and arduino always send something.

Any help would be much appreciated.


  • I have found a solution for the issue. by reading this link I noticed that I need to do some manipulation on the data I receive in the onReceivedData method. So I changed the mCallBack as follow:

    private UsbSerialInterface.UsbReadCallback mCallback = new UsbSerialInterface.UsbReadCallback() {
            public void onReceivedData(byte[] arg0)
                if(arg0!= null && arg0.length > 0){
                    if (isStartByte(arg0[0])) {

    and here is the other methods I added:

        private void clearBytes(){
            buffer=new byte[8];
            bufferSize = 0;
        private void appendBytes(byte[] buf){
            System.arraycopy(buf, 0, buffer, bufferSize, buf.length);
            bufferSize += buf.length;
        private void printData() {
            if (bufferSize == 0) {
            byte[] buf = new byte[bufferSize];
            System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, buf, 0, bufferSize);
            String data = null;
            try {
                data = new String(buf, "UTF-8");
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            if (null != data && !data.isEmpty()) {
                System.out.println("data: " + data);
        public boolean isStartByte(byte firstChar){
            return firstChar=='A';

    And also I modified the Arduino code and added character A to the beginning of the serial output. This solves the issue, however I think this is not the best practice. I think the UsbSerial library should provide better output handling( or maybe I am wrong and this is the nature of working with serial communication ).