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Using promise with observable in ionic 2 applications

I am trying to call a web service in ionic 2 application but getting struck in between promise and observable. This is my function which i am calling on click of a button-


      data =>{
        console.log("userGetDetail Success="+JSON.stringify(data));
      err =>{
        console.log("userGetDetail Success="+JSON.stringify(error));
       () =>{
              console.log("Get Userdetails Completed");

Now i am calling userGetDetail function in my service file.

    var url = '/userGetDetail';
    var params = {
    var headers = new Headers();
        var token  = value.toString();
        console.log("TOKEN IN REMEDYSERVICES="+token);
        headers.append('Authorization', token);
        console.log("header value inside="+JSON.stringify(headers));
    console.log("header value outside="+JSON.stringify(headers));
    let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });
    this.response =,this.urlEncode(params),options).map(res => res.json());
    console.log("Response JSON="+JSON.stringify(this.response));
    return this.response;

Now the issue is that before Authorization is getting appended to header the flow is going to next line and web api is giving error. Is there anyway i am can synchronise in such a way that after Authorization is appended then only service call should happens. I tried putting the web api call inside then block but it makes the service calls as a promise. Any help will be appreciated.


  • The correct way to call an observer inside a promise and the return an observer will be like this-

    return Observable.fromPromise('remedyAccessToken')).then((value)=>{
        var token  = value.toString();
        console.log("TOKEN IN REMEDYSERVICES="+token);
        headers.append('Authorization', token);
        console.log("header value inside="+JSON.stringify(headers));
        console.log("header value outside="+JSON.stringify(headers));
       let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });
       this.response =,this.urlEncode(params),options).map(res => res.json());
       console.log("Response JSON="+JSON.stringify(this.response));
       return this.response.toPromise();