Using Qt Creator, I have set a QWidget's background property to black. However, some parts of the QWidget, more specifically, between QFrames/QGroupBoxes are still in its system's default color.
Now, I thought that the QFrames and QGroupBoxes need to have its background property set to black too, but it did not work. I have also tried setting the border-color to black, but it does not work, since by default borders, margins are set to 0.
QWidget { background: black; }
Any advice on this issue?
The QWidgets are placed in QMdiArea. However, if I make it a QWindow, it works. However, I want the QWidgets to be in the QMdiArea. Also, if I just show the QWidgets as it is, the spaces that I have mentioned above are transparent.
Found out the solution. It seems that you need to set the background color at the QMdiSubWindow, not at QWidget. Don't know why, but it seems logical.