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QWidget background color does not fully cover the QWidget

Using Qt Creator, I have set a QWidget's background property to black. However, some parts of the QWidget, more specifically, between QFrames/QGroupBoxes are still in its system's default color.

Now, I thought that the QFrames and QGroupBoxes need to have its background property set to black too, but it did not work. I have also tried setting the border-color to black, but it does not work, since by default borders, margins are set to 0.

QWidget { background: black; }

Any advice on this issue?


The QWidgets are placed in QMdiArea. However, if I make it a QWindow, it works. However, I want the QWidgets to be in the QMdiArea. Also, if I just show the QWidgets as it is, the spaces that I have mentioned above are transparent.


  • Found out the solution. It seems that you need to set the background color at the QMdiSubWindow, not at QWidget. Don't know why, but it seems logical.