I just started to look in to the development of a Kodi plugin.
However I'm stuck at finding the process handle
of my plugin.
The documentation provides this as an explanation of how you should get this 'process id'
... Kodi passes some arguments to us via sys.argv. This is important, since it's what will let us tailor the output on the add-on based on user input. Remember, much like a web site, each folder (or page) in an Kodi add-on is the result of a separate invocation of our script. The arguments available to us are:
- 0 The base URL of your add-on, e.g. 'plugin://plugin.video.myaddon/'
- 1 The process handle for this add-on, as a numeric string
- 2 The query string passed to your add-on, e.g. '?foo=bar&baz=quux'
However when I try to get this value it returns an array with only 1 element
if __name__ == '__main__':
baseUrl = sys.argv[0]
processHandle = sys.argv[1]
qs = sys.argv[2]
I'm running Kodi v15
on my local machine (Ubuntu 16.04) and I have a remote debugger attached.
Any ideas to why this array does not contain the desired arguments?
Thanks in advance!
My bad I had an error in my addon.xml
I had
<extension point="xbmc.python.script"
instead of
<extension point="xbmc.python.pluginsource"