How can I generate 500 ms worth of noise sampled at 1280 Hz, with a flat frequency distribution between 0.1 - 640 Hz and normally distributed amplitude values?
See the screenshot below for an illustration of the desired output.
Timeplot of waveform, frequency distribution, and histogram of amplitudes
The parameters of your question make the answer trivial:
So in your case, the "band-limited" constraint is trivial, and you can simply generate the desired noise with:
duration = 500e-3;
rate = 1280;
amplitude = 500;
npoints = duration * rate;
noise = amplitude * randn( 1, npoints ); % normally distributed white noise
time = (0:npoints-1) / rate;
However, more generally, generating noise in a specific frequency band with constraints on spectrum shape (eg flat) and value statistics (eg normally distributed) can be difficult. There are two simple approximations I can think of: