I am trying to use Polymer in a Twig template. But I am facing this issue when binding the data. I am not able to use {{ }}, because Twig considers this as its echo delimiters.
How can we make Twig ignore the curly braces in this piece of code?
<iron-ajax auto url="http://demo.vaadin.com/demo-data/1.0/people" handle-as="json" last-response="{{peopleResponse}}"></iron-ajax>
<vaadin-grid items="{{peopleResponse.result}}">
<col name="firstName"/>
<col name="lastName"/>
<col name="email"/>
<col name="address.phone"/>
You can 'escape' the double curly braces by using {{ '{{peopleResponse}}' }}
Alternatively, you can change the Twig echo delimiters:
$env->setLexer(new Twig_Lexer($env, [
'tag_variable' => ['{[', ']}'], // Now you should use {[ ]} for twig