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How do you selectively simplify arguments to each time a function is called, without evaluating the function itself?

I'm using Coq 8.5pl1.

To make a contrived but illustrative example,

(* fix so simpl will automatically unfold. *)
Definition double := fix f n := 2*n.

Theorem contrived n : double (2 + n) = 2 + double (1 + n).

Now, I only want to simplify the arguments to double, and not any part outside of it. (For example, because the rest has already carefully been put into the correct form.)

   S (S (n + S (S (n + 0)))) = S (S (S (n + S (n + 0))))

This converted the outside (2 + ...) to (S (S ...)) as well as unfolding double.

I can match one of them by doing:

match goal with | |- (double ?A) = _ => simpl A end.
   double (S (S n)) = 2 + double (1 + n)

How do I say that I want to simplify all of them? That is, I want to get

   double (S (S n)) = 2 + double (S n)

without having to put a separate pattern for each call to double.

I can simplify except for double itself with

remember double as x; simpl; subst x.
   double (S (S n)) = S (S (double (S n)))


  • Opaque/Transparent approach

    Combining the results of this answer and this one, we get the following solution:

    Opaque double.
    simpl (double _).
    Transparent double.

    We use the pattern capability of simpl to narrow down its "action domain", and Opaque/Transparent to forbid (allow resp.) unfolding of double.

    Custom tactic approach

    We can also define a custom tactic for simplifying arguments:

    (* simplifies the first argument of a function *)
    Ltac simpl_arg_of function :=
      repeat multimatch goal with
             | |- context [function ?A] =>
                  let A' := eval cbn -[function] in A in
                    change A with A'

    That let A' := ... construction is needed to protect nested functions from simplification. Here is a simple test:

    Fact test n :
        82 + double (2 + n)
        double (1 + double (1 + 20)) + double (1 * n).
      simpl_arg_of double.

    The above results in

    82 + double (S (S n)) = double (S (double 21)) + double (n + 0)

    Had we used something like context [function ?A] => simpl A in the definition of simpl_arg_of, we would've gotten

    82 + double (S (S n)) = double 43 + double (n + 0)


    Arguments directive approach

    As suggested by @eponier in comments, we can take advantage of yet another form of simpl -- simpl <qualid>, which the manual defines as:

    This applies simpl only to the applicative subterms whose head occurrence is the unfoldable constant qualid (the constant can be referred to by its notation using string if such a notation exists).

    The Opaque/Transparent approach doesn't work with it, however we can block unfolding of double using the Arguments directive:

    Arguments double : simpl never.
    simpl double.