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Place a non String Data Type in putStringSet SharedPreferences Android

It was an array list at first then I tried changing it into a set so I can place it at putStringSet. But yeah.. It doesn't have a String Datatype

    Set<RecordData> set = new HashSet<>(dataList);
      SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getActivity());
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit();
        editor.putStringSet("recordlists", set);

The RecordData is a class that I created.

I suck.


  • you can use GSON library.. try this For saving and loading shared preferences data:

    public static void saveSharedPreferencesLogList( Set<RecordData> record) {
                SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getActivity());
                SharedPreferences.Editor prefsEditor = preferences.edit();
                Gson gson = new Gson();
                String json = gson.toJson(record);
                prefsEditor.putString("myJson", json);
            public static Set<RecordData> loadSharedPreferencesLogList() {
                Set<RecordData> record = new HashSet<>(dataList);
                SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getActivity());
                Gson gson = new Gson();
                String json = preferences.getString("myJson", "");
                if (json.isEmpty()) {
                    record = new Set<RecordData>();
                } else {
                    Type type = new TypeToken<Set<RecordData>>() {
                    record = gson.fromJson(json, type);
                return record;

    Also place this in your Gradle file:

    compile ''