I want to normalize an audio file to the maximum.
To do that, I'm using this code:
Dim iHighestDataValue As Integer
Dim iLowestDataValue As Integer
Dim i&
For i = 1 To dc.wavedatasize / 2
Get #iFile, , DataValue(i) ' reads data value into array
If DataValue(i) > iHighestDataValue Then
iHighestDataValue = DataValue(i)
End If
If DataValue(i) < iLowestDataValue Then
iLowestDataValue = DataValue(i)
End If
Dim sngVolumeLevel As Single
sngVolumeLevel = ((iHighestDataValue + (iLowestDataValue * -1)) / 2) / 32767
It works fine for almost all files, but for one file, the last line fails.
iHighestDataValue is 13445, iLowestDataValue is -21940.
I guess something is wrong in the last line. Is it just an error that occurs with VB6 because it can't handle this (correct) calculation, or did I introduce any erros?
When I put the last line into separate calculations, it works fine:
Dim sngHighest As Single
If iHighestDataValue > 32767 Then
sngHighest = 32767
sngHighest = iHighestDataValue
End If
Dim sngLowest As Single
If iLowestDataValue < -32767 Then
sngLowest = -32767
sngLowest = iLowestDataValue
End If
sngLowest = sngLowest * -1
Dim sngVolumeLevel As Single
sngVolumeLevel = (sngHighest + sngLowest) / 2
sngVolumeLevel = (sngVolumeLevel / 32767)
Thank you!
ps: Here is the last, normalizing part of the function:
Dim tem As Long
For i = 1 To dc.wavedatasize / 2
tem = CLng(DataValue(i) * 1 / sngVolumeLevel)
If tem > 32767 Then
tem = 32767 ' prevents integer overflow error
End If
If tem < -32767 Then
tem = -32767 ' prevents integer overflow error
End If
DataValue(i) = CInt(tem) ' changes data value
Next i
wh.riffdatasize = dc.wavedatasize + Len(wh) + Len(wf) 'Riff chunk size may be different
' beacause some input wave files may contain information chunk which is not written in output file
iFile = FreeFile
Kill uPath 'Delete the original / source file. We will overwrite it with the normalized version of this file
Open uPath For Binary As #iFile
Put #iFile, , wh ' writes the wave header
Put #iFile, , wf ' writes wave format
Put #iFile, , dc ' writes the 8 byte string "data" and wave dataa size
For i = 1 To dc.wavedatasize / 2
Put #iFile, , DataValue(i) ' writes data value in ouput file
Next i
Close #iFile
It's not correct because it produces a significant amount of clipping.
Instead of:
sngVolumeLevel = ((iHighestDataValue + (iLowestDataValue * -1)) / 2) / 32767
Better do this:
If iHighestDataValue >= -iLowestDataValue Then
sngVolumeLevel = iHighestDataValue / 32767.
sngVolumeLevel = iLowestDataValue / -32768.
End If