According to,
the variable A_Cursor
has the below values:
A_Cursor: AppStarting, Arrow, Cross, Help, IBeam, Icon, No, Size, SizeAll, SizeNESW, SizeNS, SizeNWSE, SizeWE, UpArrow, Wait, Unknown.
Is there a documentation (or even an image) or reference in which I can recognize to which shape their names correspond?
For some of these names, like Arrow
or UpArrow
I can recognize them. But not for all.
I would like to recognize the type of my current cursor.
List of cursor types, based on AutoHotkey help:
Names/alternate names from the following sources:
(Windows 7)HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Cursors
(Windows 7)AppStarting [Working In Background][Wait] - pointer + hourglass
Arrow [Normal Select] - pointer (triangle + stem)
Cross [Precision Select][Crosshair] - plus sign
Help [Help Select] - pointer + question mark
IBeam [Text Select][Beam] - capital I with crossbars
Icon - (not used)
No [Unavailable] - no entry sign
Size - (not used)
SizeAll [Move] - plus sign with 4 arrowheads
SizeNESW [Diagonal Resize 1] - slash with 2 arrowheads
SizeNS [Vertical Resize] - vertical bar with 2 arrowheads
SizeNWSE [Diagonal Resize 2] - backslash with 2 arrowheads
SizeWE [Horizontal Resize] - horizontal bar with 2 arrowheads
UpArrow [Alternate Select] - vertical bar with 1 up arrowhead
Wait [Busy] - hourglass (or rotating torus)
Unknown - (various e.g. pointing hand, grabbing hand, pen)
e.g. Unknown [Handwriting][NWPen] - pen
e.g. Unknown [Hand][Link Select] - pointing hand (back of hand with extended index finger)
(In Windows 7: Control Panel, type Mouse in search box, click Mouse, click Pointers tab)
List from Mouse Properties, Pointers, Scheme, None (Windows 7):
Normal Select
Help Select
Working In Background
Precision Select
Text Select
Vertical Resize
Horizontal Resize
Diagonal Resize 1
Diagonal Resize 2
Alternate Select
Link Select
e.g. of cursor types not included: grabbing hand, 'Icon', 'Size'
Useful links:
Well, that's my cursory glance at cursors.