I am using RStudio on two machines, with identical configurations, and even the same .Rproj file (from Dropbox).
From the RStudio webpage:
Incremental Rebuilds
By default RStudio performs incremental rebuilds of packages. C++ files are only recompiled when they change or any header files change. This provides fast turnaround for incremental development.
On one machine, if I modify a simple .R file, or even if I modify no files at all, and choose Build & Reload, then the C++ does not recompile.
On the other, however, I get:
With no files changed:
==> devtools::document(roclets=c('rd', 'collate', 'namespace', 'vignette'))
Updating quanteda documentation
Loading quanteda
'/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R' CMD INSTALL '/Users/kbenoit/Dropbox (Personal)/GitHub/quanteda' --library='/var/folders/46/zfn6gwj15d3_n6dhyy1cvwc00000gp/T//RtmpowXjeu/devtools_install_cd475c156859' --no-R --no-data --no-help --no-demo --no-inst --no-docs --no-exec --no-multiarch --no-test-load --preclean
Re-compiling quanteda
clang++ -std=c++11 -I/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/include -DNDEBUG -I. -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/freetype2 -I/opt/X11/include -I"/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.3/Resources/library/Rcpp/include" -I"/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.3/Resources/library/RcppParallel/include" -I"/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.3/Resources/library/RcppArmadillo/include" -fPIC -Wall -mtune=core2 -g -O2 -c RcppExports.cpp -o RcppExports.o
With one .R file changed:
(which is a data documentation R file with no actual functions)
==> Rcpp::compileAttributes()
* Updated src/RcppExports.cpp
* Updated R/RcppExports.R
==> devtools::document(roclets=c('rd', 'collate', 'namespace', 'vignette'))
Updating quanteda documentation
Loading quanteda
'/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R' CMD INSTALL '/Users/kbenoit/Dropbox (Personal)/GitHub/quanteda' --library='/var/folders/46/zfn6gwj15d3_n6dhyy1cvwc00000gp/T//RtmpLaNxr4/devtools_install_cdef692abc82' --no-R --no-data --no-help --no-demo --no-inst --no-docs --no-exec --no-multiarch --no-test-load --preclean
Re-compiling quanteda
The question: How can I get the second machine to do only incremental builds when necessary, which is the supposed default behaviour?
I have verified that this is not due to Dropbox, after cloning to a non-Dropbox local repository and building on both machines.
The problem does not go away even after using ccache
in Makevars
as @DirkEddelbuettel suggests (although this is a great idea for other reasons so I am now using it).
The problem does go away if I uncheck Build and Reload from the Roxygen Options box from the Build Tools pane of the Project Options:
Fair question. Quick and somewhat related take, with some caveat:
I prefer to ignore / avoid devtools as I find that it obfuscates.
But what follows below would apply to it too.
The key command(s) here are R CMD INSTALL
and its friends (ie R CMD SHLIB
AFAIK these simply do NOT have the logic of make
to not rebuild unless required
plus we are encouraged to run cleanup
and remove existing artifacts
and having been bitten in the past, I prefer rebuilds after cleaning
all of which leads to full(er) rebuilds.
But don't despair: The single best trick is to ... avoid this by using
CC=ccache gcc
CXX=ccache g++
and so on, idem for clang
under OS X. Just trust the awesome ccache frontend and your rebuilds (of unchanged code) will be lightning fast. I have been doing this for many, many years on my work and home machines.
Now there is a related subquestion here: when/how does RStudio run compileAttributes()
for us? I am not sure. I probably relies (like make
) on time stamps, and there can be issues with networked drives and shares. If in doubt I do this locally on the command-line via a littler helper script.
Edit: As a convenience, below is what I have in a local dotfile repo. I allows to set a version for gcc et al which is sometimes needed during compiler transitions. When empty (as right now) it does not harm and we just get g++
CC=$(CCACHE) gcc$(VER)
FC=ccache gfortran
F77=ccache gfortran