I'm stuck with resetting password in php. I'm using password_hash for register, password_verify for login, everything seemed to work until I had the idea to implement the reset password thing. My plan was to have of course 3 fields:oldPassword, newPassword,confirmNewPassword.
First I check if the oldPassword is in db, if yes than after checking if the 2 new passwords are correct to update in db the newPassword. The problem is that I can update in my db the new hashed password but when I login again it can't recognize the password and can't log in. And I really can't understand why.
Here's my code:
For register (maybe it's useless but anyway)
if ($_POST['actiune'] == 'register') {
$firstname = $_POST['firstName'];
$lastname = $_POST['lastName'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$_SESSION['username'] = $email;
$password = $_POST['password'];
$hash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
$age = $_POST['age'];
$address = $_POST['address'];
if(addUser($firstname, $lastname, $email, $hash, $age, $address)) {
header("Location: index.php?page=profile");
die("User didnt add in db.");
if($_POST['actiune'] == 'login') {
$email = $_POST['email'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$pass = getPassword($email);
$verify = password_verify($password, $pass);
if ($verify) {
$_SESSION['username'] = $email;
header("Location: index.php?page=profile");
} else {
header("Location: index.php?page=login&msg=PleaseRegister");
if($_POST['actiune'] == 'resetPassword') {
$oldPassword = $_POST['oldPassword'];
$newPassword = $_POST['newPassword'];
$confirmPassword = $_POST["confirmPassword"];
$passwordDb = getPassword($_SESSION['username']);
$verify = password_verify($oldPassword, $passwordDb);
if($verify) {
setPassword($newPassword, $_SESSION['username']);
header("location: index.php?page=profile");
function setPassword
function setPassword($password, $email) {
$hash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
try {
$sql = $conn->prepare("update user set password = '$hash' where email='$email'");
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
return false;
return true;
getPassword function used for login:
function getPassword($email) {
$sql = $conn->prepare("select * from user where email='$email'");
$result = $sql;
foreach($result as $row) {
$pass= $row['password'];
return $pass;
As I wrote in comments:
setPassword($newPassword, $_SESSION['username']
You're using the wrong variable in:
function setPassword($password, $email)
The variable should have been $newPassword
and not $password
Your code failed on your silently since password_hash()
did do its job, it just didn't hash the said/wanted variable.
This, and along with my other comments about your being open to an SQL injection.