If I use in VB.NET a property get of this shape:
Public ReadOnly Property Thing(i as long) as double(,)
Return SomeCalculation(i )
End Get
End Property
and the code calls many times the property get with the same i (after doing the same with another iscen and so on), will the result be cached until I use a new i or will it be recalculated each time?
No there is no automatic caching in VB.NET to store the result of repeated calculations. It is up to you to provide some kind of caching.
For example you can use a Dictionary
Dim cache As Dictionary(Of Long, Double(,)) = New Dictionary(Of Long, Double(,))
Public ReadOnly Property Thing(i as long) as double(,)
Dim result As Double(,)
If Not cache.TryGetValue(i, result) Then
result = SomeCalculation(i)
cache.Add(i, result)
End If
Return result
End Get
End Property
Of course,as any simple solution, there are some points to consider: