I have a table with videos' info and when someone selects a video on my site I have a small section that shows all other videos with similar tags. Now, I want to exclude the video that is currently selected. Here's my query:
SELECT video_title, video_desc
FROM videos WHERE tags LIKE
$CurrentTags AND
'$CurrentVideo' NOT IN
(SELECT video_id FROM videos WHERE video_id = '$CurrentVideo')
The query works fine (as in there are no errors) but it sometimes still returns me a video that is already selected. I think it's obvious but I'll clarify anyway
$CurrentTags is a set of tags of currently selected video on the website.
$CurrentVideo is a unique video id of currently selected video on website.
This must be the same as your quer without a subselect:
SELECT video_title, video_desc
FROM videos
tags LIKE $CurrentTags
tags LIKE $otherTags
tags LIKE $otherTags
video_id <> '$CurrentVideo';