I have a WinForm that is used as a Dialog with just OK
and Cancel
buttons. So:
Dim sr As New SlideRangeDialog
Dim dr As Windows.Forms.DialogResult
dr = sr.ShowDialog
I have an If/Then to see if the user pressed OK. If they pressed OK and there is a validation error, I need them to go back to the dialog and fix it.
If dr = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Dim mr As Windows.Forms.DialogResult
mr = MsgBox("Click Yes to fix, No to not fix or Cancel to go " + vbCrLf + _
" back to the dialog to fix.", MsgBoxStyle.YesNoCancel)
Select Case mr
Case Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes
''# something
Case Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No
''# something more
Case Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel
''# RIGHT HERE is where I'm having the problem.
''# I just want "Cancel" to return to the first dialog.
sr.DialogResult = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.None
End Select
''#other thing
End If
What would I put in Case Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel
to take me right back to the first dialog as sr.DialogResult = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.None
doesn't seem to be working?
I've tried raising the event sub again (it's a click from a menu item), but this doesn't work with the technology I'm using (VSTO Ribbon).
Try moving your validation logic either into the dialog itself, or into a Closing event handler for the dialog. The latter might be easier. My VB.NET skills are practically non-existent so forgive me if this is off the mark:
Dim sr As New SlideRangeDialog
Dim dr As Windows.Forms.DialogResult
AddHandler dr.Closing, AddressOf SlideRangeDialog_Closing
dr = sr.ShowDialog
Then later:
Public Sub SlideRangeDialog_Closing(Sender As Object, e As CancelEventArgs)
' cast Sender as a SlideRangeDialog and check its
' DialogResult property to see if they clicked OK.
' Your validation goes in here.
' If anything fails validation, set e.Cancel to True and the
' dialog won't close.
End Sub